Before capturing this photo, I was fascinated by the alignment of the cranes and how they peek through linked cables. Initially, when I think of “lines” I see boundaries, borders, constraints […]
“I’m a Dirty Lamppost So Look Away, Please” Multimedia by Angelica Poversky
I’m a Dirty Lamppost So Look Away, Please Multimedia by Angelica Poversky You looked at me like a firefly Lighting up the night sky Like my bright was a night light In the pits of your psyche You called me a flashlight Ready to expose the rows of evils in the cosmos You looked at me
“Just a little touch up” Photo by Rachel Lee
This photograph is a depiction of our society from yesterday, today and tomorrow. Beauty standards and the following pressures to look perfect continue to exist and cause issues […]
“Houseboy” Photography by Brandon Leung
We encounter history through remnants, fragments, ghosts. History is not the stories of the past, but an ongoing narrative. Whoever has past through our world and has moved into the realm of ‘history’ is not gone. They leave their marks. Look into archives and their holdings. Archival objects are kept so their narratives are (ostensibly) remembered […]
“Touch #1” and “Vanitas 4/10” Visual Art by Sophia Murray
“Touch #1” and “Vanitas 4/10” Visual Art by Sophia Murray (click to enlarge images) Vanitas is a 17th century Dutch genre of still life painting that served as a memento mori. I wanted to build on and offer my own interpretation of this traditional genre through a series of prints. I explored the idea of mark-making
“Olivetti Lettera 22” Multimedia by Mormei Zanke
Olivetti Lettera 22 Multimedia by Mormei Zanke
“Untitled 1 & 2” Multimedia by Andrea Garza
Untitled 1 & 2 Multimedia by Andrea Garza (click to enlarge images)
“Self-Construction” Multimedia by Sophia Murray
Self-Construction Multimedia by Sophia Murray (click to enlarge images)
“A contraceptive of one’s own” Multimedia by Lisa Chen-Wing
A contraceptive of one’s own Multimedia by Lisa Chen-Wing (click to enlarge images) “A contraceptive of one’s own” uses letterpress hand-set type to make pictures of common contraceptives in the style of emoticons. Left to right, the contraceptives are: birth control pills, IUD, vaginal ring, female condom and an implant. The images are printed on
“Monster” Multimedia by Krista Bailie
Monster Multimedia by Krista Bailie (click to enlarge images) Krista Bailie Monster, 2014 Paper, monofilament, acrylic, masking tape “The pregnant body is not one vulnerable to external threat, but actively and visibly deformed from within. Women are out of control, uncontained, unpredictable, leaky: they are, in short, monstrous.” – Margrit Shildrick This work attempts
“Home (?)” photography by Xiao You Mok
Home (?) Photography by Xiao You Mok (click to enlarge images)
“Movement & Form” photography by Calder Tsuyuki Tomlinson
Movement & Form Photography by Calder Tsuyuki Tomlinson (click to enlarge images)
“Symmetry Lores” visual art by Jason Fernando
“Symmetry Lores” visual art by Jason Fernando (click to enlarge images)