Three Sisters of Glencoe

Photo by Hana Dekker This photo is of two of three mountains named “The Three Sisters of Glencoe,” taken during my time in Scotland, from August-December 2023. The three mountain peaks (one is not pictured here) are named Beinn Fhada, Gearr Aonach and Aonach Dubh. The photo was taken during a 12-and-a-half-hour day tour, during


Poetry and art by Cass Minkus 52 percent of kids In the Canadian foster care system Are Indigenous. Personal interest, princesses with pigtails, Trophies collecting dust. He can’t pronounce my name, He refuses to learn, So instead, he just calls me Indian. Prisoners of a system, That had killed our ancestors before. No longer kept

Trees, Tripods and Trying Times

Multimedia by Forrest Berman-Hatch I took this photo at Ada’itsx, or Fairy Creek, last August on the unceded territory of the Pacheedacht and Ditidaht Nations. It was taken after the heat dome and wildfires, but before the floods. Deeper in the Anthropocene than anyone truly knows, we are situated in time by disasters.  High in


by Elise Juncker Artist Statement Parts of this piece are strangely menacing to me. The man in the bunny costume invokes an almost forgotten childhood horror. But what we once found strange or menacing, may now just be a part of life. This collage is scrapped together from both the actual content, but also the

Light Gremlin

This series, which has garnered the name Light Gremlin, attempts to recreate the contradictory and confusing feelings of depression, while simultaneously suggesting that beauty can be found anywhere, even in dark moments. […]

Before the Rain

Nature is something that frequently captivates me; I enjoy using photography to capture the beauty I see. This photograph, Before the Rain, was actually a lucky mistake. I had forgotten to adjust the manual settings before taking my photo; the aperture was not large enough and it lacked exposure […]

“Technology Xiao Jie” 2020, digital

As a child, I was always aware of the space I occupied as an Asian female. I lived in a mostly white neighbourhood, so the only thing that I yearned for was to assimilate and be like my Caucasian friends. I cast away my Chinese heritage in hopes that I would be accepted not only by my peers, but by myself […]