About our 13.1 issue + contributors

To everyone who made our 13.1 winter issue of The Garden Statuary possible: we thank you from the bottom of our hearts and we want to congratulate again all our contributors for their amazing work this term! With 28 prose, 39 academic essays, 48 poetry, and 4 multimedia submissions, it was a definite challenge selecting

About Our Team

Thank you again to everyone on the TGS team for making this issue happen! Here is our team from the 2023/2024 year: Co-Editors in Chiefs Amy Ng is a fourth-year studying English language and literature and minoring in Anthropology. When she isn’t obsessively reading fanfiction, you can find her listening to kpop, gaming or lamenting


Prose by Amaruuk Bose Art by Adri Marcano It has been eight hours and twenty-seven minutes since I killed Nathan and you still haven’t texted me back. This isn’t unusual—you’ve gone without texting me back before, sometimes for hours at a time when you’re busy, but never this long. And never after I’ve killed someone.

The Fool

Prose by Lorelei McEwen Art by Natalia Mohar Disclaimer: This piece depicts the world through the lens of an autistic protagonist. It is my intention for this piece to foster understanding and acceptance of both autistic struggles and strength. This portrayal is based on my personal experience as an autistic person and may not ring


Poem by Vidushy Avasthi Art by J. Sassi I weave my memory of people from threads they leave behind. The gas station next to their bus stop, silent car rides after driving tests, rum and cokes and gin and tonics. All the little things, everything we ever laughed and fought about, tucked in a pattern

Bad Gateway

Poem by Spencer Lee Art by J. Sassi I’m malfunctioning at the pool with my kindergarten ex-girlfriend listening to the humdrum whir of the air conditioner.    She has a brother  I’ve seen on Grindr;  she gets me, I’ve assumed.    We’re discussing the merits of Uber fees over  DUI charges and all the  tall

The Trees on my Father’s Hands

Poem by Corrina Wang Art by Amy Ng Warning: The following poems contain topics on death.  Disclaimer: I do not promote or support any self-harm, obsession, drugs, extremely strict parenting, or anything that will cause pain to people. Poems are taken from inspiration through historical texts, images, and random thinking. Please seek professional support if

Asia Ex Machina

Essay by Avery Man Art by Adri Marcano In her revolutionary feminist essay A Cyborg Manifesto: Science, Technology, and Socialist-Feminism in the Late Twentieth Century, Donna Haraway posits the political myth of the cyborg whose hybridity of machine and organism, and of reality and fiction, blurs the functions of “mind, body, and tool” (165). Adopting