The Team

Kristy is a fourth-year majoring in Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies and minoring in English Literature, which has made her fluent in one living language and average in several dead ones. If she had a summoning ritual, it would involve listening to Taylor Swift while drinking boba and watching Star Wars dubbed in Latin.

Amy is a fourth-year undergraduate studying English language and literature and minoring in anthropology. When she isn’t obsessively reading or writing fanfiction, you can find her creating art, gaming or gardening her way too large collection of plants. In her next life, she’d like to be reincarnated into a rock so she could sleep forever.

Christina is a fourth-year majoring in History. When she’s not struggling to catch up on her course readings, she’s usually either furiously talking about Star Wars, drinking tea lattes, thinking about writing, or some combination of the three.

Emily is a fifth-year double-major in Psychology and English Language and Literatures, and (hopefully) minor in Asian Canadian and Asian Migration studies. An avid storyteller, Emily spends her time thinking about the world and our place in it. When she’s not embarking on another existential crisis, you can find her journaling, making music, building models or taking a nap!

Kalli is a fifth-year in the Honours English Literature and Language program with a minor in Political Science. She doesn’t have any consistent hobbies but she has plants that she loves to watch grow and lately she has spent a lot of time immersed in audiobooks.