Amy Ng is a fifth-year undergraduate studying English language and literature and minoring in Anthropology. She is also the Editor-in-Chief for the UBC undergraduate journal of Anthropology, The Ethnograph. When she isn’t obsessively reading fanfiction, you can find her creating art, gaming or gardening her way too large collection of plants. In her next life, she’d like to be reincarnated into a rock so she could sleep forever.
CJ McGillivray is a fourth-year English Honours student who is also an editor for The UBC Journal of Historical Studies. She previously worked as a tutor at the Langara College Writing Centre and before that she graduated from the theatre department at Capilano University. Her research interests include Shakespeare, science fiction and dystopian literature.
Christina Ma is a fifth-year undergrad majoring in History and minoring in English Language. When she’s not struggling to catch up on her course readings, she’s usually either furiously talking about Star Wars, drinking tea lattes, thinking about writing, or some combination of the three.
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