Sappho, under your coarse feet / the pricking splinters bite […]
CategoryIssue #8.2
“When Tongues Replace Swords: Somatic Transgression and Its Shifting Performance in Early Modern Revenge Tragedy” By Ana Maria Fernandez
The early modern tragic stage added to its cast of players the unruly member of the tongue. Thomas Kyd’s The Spanish Tragedy, William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, and Thomas Middleton’s The Revenger’s Tragedy all dramatize the tongue’s power to transgress the boundaries of the body and interfere with bodily integrity […]
“Connection and Disconnection” By Lua Presidio
Connection and Disconnection Art by Lua Presidio “Connection and Disconnection” was inspired by the performance artist Lygia Pape’s work, “The Divisor”. I became interested in the division and yet unity of people and decided to apply that to the concept of personal relations instead of the group relations Pape explores in her work. This series
“Beauty and Orientalism in Lady Mary Wortley Montagu’s Turkish Embassy Letters” By Mike Yuan
Published posthumously in 1763, Turkish Embassy Letters gives a detailed account of Montagu’s observations of Turkey and raises insightful critiques of Orientalism […]
when my father says “watch your waistline” By A.K. Shakour
when my father says “watch your waistline” / i listen. / […]
“Bottle Glass” By Francois Peloquin
The seagulls had woken him, but it was the children walking beside him along the shore who took the brunt of his rage […]
“Metaphor, Metonymy, and Metanarrative Space: Negotiations of Truth in a Vlog ” By Josephine Hass
Questions about the role of truth, authenticity, meaning, and authorial intent are not new to art and art criticism, yet the upswell of new forms made possible by new technologies cast these questions in a new light […]
“hóngbāo” By Amy Wang
Hóngbāo is the representation of modern society and the importance of “saving face” in Chinese culture […]
“Queering Contemporary Art: Death and Grieving” By Ariel Elise
The death and mourning of a loved one is an experience that is not exclusive to conventionally prescribed groups of people […]
“Invertebrate” By Jacqueline Chan
The word is invertebrate – / spineless, columnless, boneless / creature bound by shell […]
“My Father’s God” By Katrina Martin
When I call my father, I call my mother first. I can hear her bustling around the kitchen as we speak, stomping across the floor with heavy, purposeful footsteps and the phone clutched to her shoulder […]