“What the Dead Know” essay by Chelsea Pratt

What the Dead Know: Political and Personal Corpses in Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four essay by Chelsea Pratt .       Seeping ulcers, naked bodies, tortured forms: as intellectual as George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four might seem, it also draws heavily on the corporeal aspects of human existence. In fact, the individual body often serves to emblematize Oceania itself: the

“Oh, the humanities” Garden Statutory by Kyle Robertson

Oh, the humanities. Garden Statutory by Kyle Robertson   In contemporary academia, tumblr posts suffice for paper proposals. Avoid inane in-class discussion. Distract yourself with self-mutilation. When discussing masturbation in literature, be sure to throw in something about body-as-text to sublimate accompanying academic anxieties for paper cuts. If called upon unexpectedly, speak metaphorically by borrowing

“Gates” photo by Cyrus Sie

Gates photo by Cyrus Sie Commentary Found in one of the less-frequented streets in Oxford, England on a summer visit, something inexplicable about the sign attracted me irresistibly to it. The whole time standing there it stared back at me, each passing cyclist effecting a blink of its eye.

About Our Contributors

Issue 1.2: About Our Contributors Stephanie Airth is a second year student planning on applying to the English honours program in April. She enjoys hiking and collects Edgar Allan Poe books and memorabilia. Genevieve Barrons is a fifth year student double majoring in International Relations and English Honours. She wrote her honours thesis on the

About Issue 1.2

About Issue 1.2 .        It’s been another great term for The Garden Statuary and again we were delighted, awed and challenged by our peers’ submissions. From the 55 poems, 23 prose, 48 multimedia and 29 academic pieces we received, it was no easy feat to choose the final selections that you see here. .        In