About Our Team

Thank you again to everyone on the TGS team for making this issue happen! Here is our team from the 2024/2025 year: Co-Editors in Chief Amy Ng is a fifth-year undergraduate studying English language and literature and minoring in Anthropology. She is also the Editor-in-Chief for the UBC undergraduate journal of Anthropology, The Ethnograph. When she isn’t obsessively

About our 14.1 issue + contributors

As the year rolls to an end, we couldn’t be more thrilled to have had such a great term for The Garden Statuary. Again and again we were delighted, awed and challenged by our peers’ submissions. We received a total of 120 submissions for this edition, including 50 academic, 44 poetic, 15 prose, and many

on change and dimethylsulfoxide

Prose by Sheena Jiang Art by Brian Lee i’m often angry at the idea that anything can be changed. that life changes–that i change–whether it is in the blink of an eye, or slowly, piece by piece, over a number of years. of course, there is nothing inherently evil about change. from common knowledge (and

on executive (dys)function

Nonfiction by Sheena Jiang Art by Alex Hoang I’ve often bemoaned how bizarre it is to lack (or more realistically, have a large deficit in) such an essential neuropsychological function. But, if I’m being honest, I rarely ever think about what I’m missing out on.  Biologically, executive function is not so necessary. That’s why it’s


Poem by Millicent Sharman Art by Monica Feng My mother hands me cong you bing and I learn to take the layers for granted. Half-hearted punch thrown at my playground bully and I panic to wonder if my back was ever forced against her door, Baseless threats on her breath and I’m smelling burnt sugar;

An Age of Consent: Wor(l)ds to/for This Strange Body

Nonfiction by Olivia McNeill Art by Margaret Xun “But I do feel strange, almost unearthly. I’ll never get used to being alive. It’s always a mystery. Always startled to find I’ve survived.” (Steinbeck 378)  “So now, here, I give you my own text-body-tissue-hymen-map to touch/be touched-by, in the real. Now, here, I give you this

Metaphor as Medicine: The Power of Figurative Language to Aid Survival and Healing in Madeleine Thien’s Dogs at the Perimeter

Essay by Louise Cham Art by Keira Innes In his book Lived Refuge: Gratitude, Resentment, Resilience, critical refugee studies scholar Vinh Nguyen notes that “[f]or many refugees, matters of life and death hang on a single narrative” (xvi). As a determining factor for obtaining political rights and protection lies in how their lived experience of

Second Street to the Right

Prose by M. Chiao Art by Maxine Gray We were the eyes in the windows as the car rolled into the barangay. Peeking through our curtains and staring at the sleek metal reflecting the sun, we watched as it squeezed into our small street like a wooden block shoved through the wrong shape. The white

because your grandfather is dying

Poetry by Stella Xia Art by Paula Mohar truthfully i am barely out the cradle myself  i have no authority to speak on such things cleaving of spirit from flesh reclaiming of fire from man singularity to which everything eventually returns, damned by the sagging gravity of time instead i will tell you about the