“Stomaching the Consequences of Posthumanism: Capitalism and Interdependent Consumption in M.T. Anderson’s Feed” Academic Essay by Julia Tikhonova

Stomaching the Consequences of Posthumanism: Capitalism and Interdependent Consumption in M.T. Anderson’s Feed Academic Essay by Julia Tikhonova M.T. Anderson’s Feed portrays a dystopian world in which the seemingly fixed epistemological framework of what it means to be human is provokingly destabilized. Renegotiating the boundary between humans and machines, citizens in Feed live with neural

About Our Contributors

About Our Contributors Krista Bailie is a student in the Art History Diploma program and a practicing Visual Artist. Using mainly installation and performance, Krista’s work investigates structures of power, exclusion and identity formation. She hopes to pursue a Masters in Fine Art in Germany. Lisa Chen-Wing is an Unclassified Student who takes occasional courses

“Monster” Multimedia by Krista Bailie

Monster Multimedia by Krista Bailie (click to enlarge images)   Krista Bailie Monster, 2014 Paper, monofilament, acrylic, masking tape “The pregnant body is not one vulnerable to external threat, but actively and visibly deformed from within. Women are out of control, uncontained, unpredictable, leaky: they are, in short, monstrous.” – Margrit Shildrick This work attempts

“Staging the Temporality of Trauma: Vern Thiessen’s Vimy as an Exploration of the Reach of Traumatic Memory” Academic Essay by Jamie Donicci

Staging the Temporality of Trauma: Vern Thiessen’s Vimy as an Exploration of the Reach of Traumatic Memory Academic Essay by Jamie Donicci Vern Thiessen’s 2007 play, Vimy, is a poignant and nuanced representation of the processes of traumatic memory. In Vimy, Thiessen stages the story of five veterans of the Battle of Vimy Ridge and

“Zoetrope” Fiction by Ray Clark

Zoetrope Fiction by Ray Clark In her father’s study, the mechanism spun, an ouroboros of magnets fixed to a wooden wheel. The wires sparked with each revolution, illuminating hills and valleys of notes that spread across his desk like an unknown country. She drew back her hand, recoiled from the light. Even as her parents