on executive (dys)function

Nonfiction by Sheena Jiang Art by Alex Hoang I’ve often bemoaned how bizarre it is to lack (or more realistically, have a large deficit in) such an essential neuropsychological function. But, if I’m being honest, I rarely ever think about what I’m missing out on.  Biologically, executive function is not so necessary. That’s why it’s

An Age of Consent: Wor(l)ds to/for This Strange Body

Nonfiction by Olivia McNeill Art by Margaret Xun “But I do feel strange, almost unearthly. I’ll never get used to being alive. It’s always a mystery. Always startled to find I’ve survived.” (Steinbeck 378)  “So now, here, I give you my own text-body-tissue-hymen-map to touch/be touched-by, in the real. Now, here, I give you this

My Dad is Jeff Probst

I always knew Dad was handsome. When I was five, I remembered the fluorescent hazy lights of the television flickering before my eyes. I saw people who looked like the kids in my class, and sounded like them. Eing-lish. A language I didn’t quite understand yet […]